​​​​On Tuesday May 25th Victoria Point State High School will be holding a School, Enrolment, Subject Information and Career Pathways Expo.
We encourage all of our families and our students to attend. This event is also open to any families who want to learn more about making a future with VPSHS and this evening offers valuable information sessions regarding 2022 Enrolments for Year 7. These run at 4:30 pm and again at 5:15 pm. There will be staff available to help future families with Enrolment enquries. (Year 7 2022).
This is an evening that caters for all of our students and families. All of our subjects are on display and students and parents can chat at ease with teachers and Heads of Departments regarding future subjects to be chosen in 2022. Come and learn more about our Academies as well.
Additional Information sessions will also be running for Yrs 10, 11 & 12
- University Entrance (QTAC) - 5:15 pm
- Developing Student Study Skills Parent Information - 6:00 pm
- Our Pathways QCE, ATAR & Senior Assessment System - 7:00 pm
- Vocational Education and Training Programs (VET) - 7:00 pm
There will be many external exhibitors who will be on hand to asnwer questions about future pathways and career options. See some of our exhibitors as listed on the flyer below.
Onsite catering is available for all of our families to be able to purchase hot meals, cold drinks and espresso coffee.
We look forward to having as many families in attendance. The event runs from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm with Informations Sessions running throughout the afternoon and evening. Pop in at a time that suits your family and learn more about Our School, Our Community, Our Culture and Future Pathways.
Information session times and details can be found in the 2021 School and Subject Information Pathways and Careers Expo flyer below.
Flyer (PDF, 2.25MB)