As you may be aware, Queensland Health have updated the requirements for anyone who is deemed a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Please note, when determining whether someone is a close contact, schools and early childhood services are not considered a household, or household-like accommodation or care facility.
New requirements for close contacts
From 6pm on Thursday 28 April 2022, close contacts who do not have COVID-19 symptoms no longer need to quarantine.
Students who are close contacts must notify their school that they are a close contact.
For 7 days after becoming a close contact, students over the age of 12 must wear a face mask while outside of their home, including at school, and when outdoors if unable to physically distance. Queensland Health also recommends that children under the age of 12 wear a face mask when it is safe to do so.
It is recommended that students undertake a rapid antigen test (RAT) on the first day they leave home, and every second day (e.g. days 2, 4, and 6) until they are no longer a close contact.
Close contacts who develop COVID-19 symptoms must not attend school and should isolate until their symptoms resolve.
Rapid antigen tests (RATs)
Schools are not providing RATs to staff or students who are close contacts. You will need to source and administer your own tests. However, our school is continuing to provide RATs to staff and students who develop COVID-19 symptoms while at school.
If you or your child tests positive to COVID-19
Queensland Health requirements for people who test positive to COVID-19 remain unchanged. You must follow the Queensland Health guidelines outlined in the first steps to take if you have COVID-19.
Face masks
As a gentle reminder, masks continue to be required in certain settings for anyone aged 12 years or older, such as when travelling on public transport. They are also recommended whenever you can't physically distance.
Anyone who chooses to wear a mask at school will be supported to do so.
​I will continue to keep you informed of any changes to our response to COVID-19.